Sky Reel

SkyReel® is an exciting new company that offers a high end video, drone and photographic service. Our aim is to get your business to stand out by creating imagery that will boost your online presence and captivate your audience.
Primarily, drones are our favored tech of choice because of the stunning imagery they are capable of, but we are not just drone pilots.
We are photographers, videographers and craftsmen. We know about composition, colour, atmosphere and the importance of storytelling.
We have quite an arsenal of skills to help your business reach for the skies.
We can deliver your film quickly and cost effectively with guaranteed satisfaction. We love what we do and only the very best filmaking is good enough.
We are CAA approved and we hold a Permission for Commercial Operation (PfCO) (CAA Operator ID = OP-8NR8X4K). We have all the necessary insurance to carry out commercial jobs safely and legally.
All businesses have a message, our drone footage will make that message memorable.